Saturday, May 23, 2020
Identity Theft Research Paper - 2695 Words
Securing Your Identity Identity theft is on the rise in the United States and Globally. The Federal Trade Commission advised that there are about nine million cases of identity theft. People who had their identity stolen often feel like they were violated. Any individual can have their identity compromised in numerous ways. Different institutions store personal information. There are several organizations that have social security numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers. Colleges and Universities have people personal information stored in their databases that could be hacked. There are several companies that offer options to people to protect their identity. Most credit card companies offer the option of identity†¦show more content†¦BI applications include the activities of decision support systems, query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting and data mining. (Business Intelligence (BI). What Is ? N.p., n .d. Web. 27 July 2013). Computer hacking: Is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose. People who engage in computer hacking activities are often called hackers. Since the word â€Å"hack†has long been used to describe someone who is incompetent at his/her profession, some hackers claim this term is offensive and fails to give appropriate recognition to their skills. The majority of hackers are technology buffs. They are self-motivated and learning about computers is their true passion. (What Is Computer Hacking? WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2013). A United States citizens Social Security number is there lifeline that links them to the rest of the world. It is that number that allows one to obtain credit to purchase automobiles, a house, open bank accounts, work, and establish credit. A Social Security number is the driving vehicle that dictates to the world who’s who f inancially and socially; it communicates an autobiography about a person. If someone provides their name and e-mail address to, they will provide themShow MoreRelatedIdentity Theft Paper903 Words  | 4 PagesIdentity Theft and Cards There is many of the America nation that says their identity can’t get stolen, but it can. There is even ways for your identity to be stolen with your credit cards now. Anyone can be the next victim of identity theft. That is why in this research I will tell you how you get identity theft and how to prevent identity theft, because most Americans never know it is happening. Americans need to allow themselves to come to know the cautions of identity theft. There areRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Crime978 Words  | 4 PagesThis information analysis focuses on the social problem computer crime, but more specifically identity theft. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
President Lincoln Was An Executive Edict - 891 Words
On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made an executive edict that would influence a nation and shape the nation’s future to come. A man who immersed himself in politics that were complicated during this time period, President Lincoln initially had contradictory views in regards to slavery. According to Eric Foner, Lincoln has been quoted as saying â€Å"I am naturally antislavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.†(The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, p. 42). He had also been known to use derogatory (though normal for the time period) language when referencing black peoples and slaves. President Lincoln had been quoted as saying that he had no constitutional authority to enact such proclamation during peacetime, and as Guelzo pointed out in Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation even â€Å"used as a war power, emancipation was a risky political act. Public opinion as a whole was against it.†He found his vantage point on this controversial topic, ran on an anti-slavery campaign for the presidency, and began laying the foundation for the Emancipation Proclamation as the Union splintered. After more than thirty six months of a war against relatives and kin, Union forces were dealing with heavy casualties and diminishing support for the war effort. President Lincoln needed to find a way to raise the esprit de corps of the North and replenish lost ranks. On this day, the President provided a second executive order that proclaimed that â€Å"all persons heldShow MoreRelatedTheodore Roosevelts Contributions to American Political Thought1899 Words  | 8 Pagesdemocratic republicÂâ€"a wolf amongst sheep on the world scene. The nations twenty-sixth president laid the framework for foreign policy as we know it. He pressed reform amongst big business, and rallied for the rights of the laborer. 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Copyright  © 1998 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; All Rights Reserved. 96 CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW VOL. 40, NO. 2 WINTER 1998 Seven Practices of Successful Organizations This list is somewhat shorter than my earlier list of sixteen practices describingRead MoreEssay on Macbeth and the Gunpowder Plot of 16054662 Words  | 19 PagesShakespeare’s Macbeth was influenced by the gunpowder plot of 1605. The equivocation that was inspired by this event played an important role in the play. The general theme of Macbeth reflects the mood of society at the time that it was written. This relationship is a direct reflection of the mimetic theory. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola Free Essays
Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola PepsiCo has a deep commitment to bring forth sustainability in growth by the empowering of its people (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo employees embrace a culture that promotes responsibility and provides the building blocks to trust (PepsiCo Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 2011). The company prides itself on being both environmentally responsible and socially conscious this pride is garnered by six guiding principles (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo set forth principles that encompass total care of both consumers and customers, offering the highest quality products, conducting business truthfully, creating an equal balance of short-term and long-term goals, being victorious through inclusion and diversity, and being respectful of others and succeeding as a team (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo has in place a compliance committee that oversees the compliance program at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). The compliance committee makes recommendations that are upheld by the utilization of issue resolution strategies (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Four sub-committees make up the compliance committee, they are Anti-trust- whose emphasis is on sales; Safety and Environment- this committee gives oversight to fleets, plants, and the personnel that staffs them; Human Resources- they cover labor issues and employment; Finance- their umbrella covers all financial integrity, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the requirements that has been placed on the company. Ensuring Ethical Behavior Laws and regulations are imposed by the various state, local, and federal governmental bodies within the United States and beyond its borders. As with any laws and regulations the way that they are interpreted are subject to dramatic change (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Changes that are brought about are more often than not, political, economic, and social implications (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). The affect of food and drug laws; how the products are labeled; practices used in marketing and advertising; the importation and exportation of the various ingredients used to create the product (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Many laws are geared toward the reduction of certain ingredients including but not limited to sugars, fats, and sodium (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo has many policies and procedures in line to ensure regulatory and legal compliance, however, suppliers or an occasional employee may commit serious violations that could institute enforcement of civil and criminal actions this could adversely affect business at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). In terms of accounting, strict policies are in place and are necessary to gain a understanding of financial results (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). The policies at PepsiCo call for management to make sometimes difficult decisions in regards to uncertainties that may have an impact on the financial results of the company (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo does not involve themselves in any alternative accounting methods, other than in terms of pension plans (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Estimation methods and critical accounting policies are applied on a c onsistent basis and are reviewed upon by the Audit Committee at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Critical accounting policies are upheld in conjunction with pension and retiree medical plans, intangible assets including goodwill and other assets, accruals and income tax expense, and revenue recognition (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). SEC Compliance at PepsiCo Corporate accountability plays a big role at PepsiCo and all steps have been taken to promote that (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo uses a formal process for approval as outlined in the Political Contributions Policy (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Contributions made by PepsiCo are a reflection of business and strategic interest at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Contributions are not made in the areas of the company’s individual officers or directors; There are no reimbursements to employees for contributions made on their own behalf; an official act with not promote anticipation or the recognition of a contribution; and there is full disclosure of all contributions on the corporate website (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Periodic reviews of practices and policies dealing with expenditures and political contributions and are conducted by the Board of Directors at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Activities concerning lobbying can be found at http://disclosures. house. gov/ld/pdfform. aspx? id=300437081 (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). References PepsiCo Inc. (2010). PepsiCo. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Company/Corporate-Governance. html  PepsiCo Inc†¦ (2010). Pepsico. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Investors/SEC-Filings. html PepsiCo Inc. (2010). PepsiCo. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Company/PepsiCo-Values- and-Philosophy. aspx How to cite Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola, Papers
Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola Free Essays
Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola PepsiCo has a deep commitment to bring forth sustainability in growth by the empowering of its people (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo employees embrace a culture that promotes responsibility and provides the building blocks to trust (PepsiCo Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 2011). The company prides itself on being both environmentally responsible and socially conscious this pride is garnered by six guiding principles (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo set forth principles that encompass total care of both consumers and customers, offering the highest quality products, conducting business truthfully, creating an equal balance of short-term and long-term goals, being victorious through inclusion and diversity, and being respectful of others and succeeding as a team (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo has in place a compliance committee that oversees the compliance program at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). The compliance committee makes recommendations that are upheld by the utilization of issue resolution strategies (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Four sub-committees make up the compliance committee, they are Anti-trust- whose emphasis is on sales; Safety and Environment- this committee gives oversight to fleets, plants, and the personnel that staffs them; Human Resources- they cover labor issues and employment; Finance- their umbrella covers all financial integrity, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the requirements that has been placed on the company. Ensuring Ethical Behavior Laws and regulations are imposed by the various state, local, and federal governmental bodies within the United States and beyond its borders. As with any laws and regulations the way that they are interpreted are subject to dramatic change (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Changes that are brought about are more often than not, political, economic, and social implications (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). The affect of food and drug laws; how the products are labeled; practices used in marketing and advertising; the importation and exportation of the various ingredients used to create the product (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Many laws are geared toward the reduction of certain ingredients including but not limited to sugars, fats, and sodium (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo has many policies and procedures in line to ensure regulatory and legal compliance, however, suppliers or an occasional employee may commit serious violations that could institute enforcement of civil and criminal actions this could adversely affect business at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). In terms of accounting, strict policies are in place and are necessary to gain a understanding of financial results (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). The policies at PepsiCo call for management to make sometimes difficult decisions in regards to uncertainties that may have an impact on the financial results of the company (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo does not involve themselves in any alternative accounting methods, other than in terms of pension plans (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Estimation methods and critical accounting policies are applied on a c onsistent basis and are reviewed upon by the Audit Committee at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Critical accounting policies are upheld in conjunction with pension and retiree medical plans, intangible assets including goodwill and other assets, accruals and income tax expense, and revenue recognition (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). SEC Compliance at PepsiCo Corporate accountability plays a big role at PepsiCo and all steps have been taken to promote that (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). PepsiCo uses a formal process for approval as outlined in the Political Contributions Policy (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Contributions made by PepsiCo are a reflection of business and strategic interest at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Contributions are not made in the areas of the company’s individual officers or directors; There are no reimbursements to employees for contributions made on their own behalf; an official act with not promote anticipation or the recognition of a contribution; and there is full disclosure of all contributions on the corporate website (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). Periodic reviews of practices and policies dealing with expenditures and political contributions and are conducted by the Board of Directors at PepsiCo (PepsiCo Inc.  2011). Activities concerning lobbying can be found at http://disclosures. house. gov/ld/pdfform. aspx? id=300437081 (PepsiCo Inc. , 2011). References PepsiCo Inc. (2010). PepsiCo. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Company/Corporate-Governance. html  PepsiCo Inc†¦ (2010). Pepsico. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Investors/SEC-Filings. html PepsiCo Inc. (2010). PepsiCo. Retrieved from http://www. pepsico. com/Company/PepsiCo-Values- and-Philosophy. aspx How to cite Role of Ethics and Compliance in Pepsi-Cola, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Historical Context of Writings free essay sample
A look at some writings in their historical contexts by Bernal Diaz, John Locke, Karl Marx/ Friedrich Engels, and Jules Verne. Writers such as Bernal Diaz, John Locke, Karl Marx/ Friedrich Engels, and Jules Verne wrote about some of the most important themes in world history such as colonialism, absolutism and industrial capitalism. This paper examines how their particular historical context (the 16th century, 17th century, and 19th century) influenced their ideas and how the historical context has changed over time. While doing so, the writers focuses largely on a single work of each of the above-mentioned writers, i.e., The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz; The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke; The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Friedrich Engels; and Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Bernal Diaz del Castillo was a Spanish conquistador, chronicler and historian who sailed to the Americas and fought many battles under different Spanish adventurers including Hernan Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico. We will write a custom essay sample on Historical Context of Writings or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a reward for his services Diaz was made the governor of a Guatemalan town where he took up residence until he died. In order to repudiate an over glorified account of Cortes conquests written by his secretary Gomara (who had not even been to America), Diaz wrote The True History of the Conquest of New Spain when he was an old man of almost eighty. Although lacking a sophisticated literary style, the work is recognized as an important eyewitness account of the Spanish conquests in the Americas, and the subjugation of the native people by the Spanish colonists.
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