Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Lockheed Martin Corporation Essay Essay Example
Lockheed Martin Corporation Essay Essay Example Lockheed Martin Corporation Essay Essay Lockheed Martin Corporation Essay Essay Lockheed Martin is an American aerospace multinational that besides specializes in defence. security and advanced engineering industries. The corporation was instituted in 1995 following the amalgamation between Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta ( Yenne. 2000 ) . The corporation is based in Bethesda in Maryland with planetary centres that specialize in different facets of the corporation’s many operations. Presently. the corporation employs over 120. 000 employees scattered across the universe. Soon. Lockheed is one of the largest defence contractors in the universe and enjoys about limitless orders across the universe. The operations of the corporation are divided into different sections consisting electronic systems ( 27 % ) . astronauticss ( 27 % ) . information systems and planetary solutions ( 27 % ) and infinite systems ( 19 % ) . Today. US authorities contracts account for much of the corporation’s gross while foreign authorities contracts besides make up a significant portion of the gross. On the other manus. orders from commercial clients merely make up a mere 2 % of the entire gross the corporation cyberspaces in a twelvemonth. In 1996. the corporation finalized the programs to get Lorad Corporation which later became portion of the corporation at a cost of $ 9. 1 billion. Like any other planetary corporation prosecuting 1000s of employees across the universe. Lockheed is surely faced with a myriad of challenges that usually define concern operations in the present universe. One of the greatest challenges confronting the corporation is the demand to turn to employee concerns and efficaciously undertake the facets of employee and industrial dealingss without many jobs like is ever the instance. On certain cases the corporation has had to confront the challenge of striking workers and travel slow as employees complained about assorted facets associating to their operations in the organisation ( Terris. 2010 ) . In that respect. the facet of covering with these employee concerns has been one of the greatest employee challenges impacting the organisation. Like most workers in the industry. most of Lockheed’s workers are unionized under the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers and are ever portion and package of the activities steered by the association. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is a worker organisation. which draws its beginning in 1888 when a group of 19 mechanics came together and formed the Order of the United Machinists and Mechanical Engineers. With clip. the little organisation grew in rank and adopted the present name. The organisation has had a disruptive history characterized by the growing of labour motions in the 20th century. The growing of the brotherhood went in tandem with the development of the conveyance industry throughout the old ages as more and more workers became employed in the industry. During its formation. the organisation was by and large a secret matter given that employers of the clip were really critical and hostile toward organized labour motions. However. the Order quickly spread beyond its formation zone of Georgia and was shortly a recognized matter in the United States. Much of the growing in the rank of the brotherhood was largely evidenced during the World Wars when workers in the conveyance industry increased owing to the increased demand of vehicles and aeroplanes ( Cimini. 1994 ) . In the class of the seventiess. the brotherhood was segmented into several divisions covering with specific issues impacting the members. These included civil rights. forming. older workers and retired workers and adult females. At a convection held in 1984 in Seattle. Washington. the delegates voted and decided to utilize the Placid Harbor Education Center in order to develop and educate the members of the brotherhood. In 1998. the centre was renamed to the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in order to acknowledge and honour the late president of the brotherhood. Throughout history. the brotherhood has ever addressed the issues impacting the workers and negotiated with the relevant employers on specific facets associating to the public assistance of the employees Contract Management. 2010 ) . Over 3000 workers of Lockheed Corporation are unionized under the IAM and are ever in path with the labour brotherhood. The brotherhood has ever negotiated in several cases sing the public assistance of the workers of Lockheed. In 2009. IAM came under much dialogue with the direction of Lockheed at Fort Worth where the corporation manufactures jets. The issues at drama in that instance were healthcare costs and pensions where the workers were over 3. 900 people in entire resistance with the direction of the corporation. At an reference to the workers on 19th April. 2009. IAM President promised the workers that the brotherhood would keenly negotiate for a just and merely contract between the members and the direction of Lockheed ( Julian A ; Denver. 2011 ) . The nucleus of the affair in this respect emerged out of the determination by Lockheed’s direction to denote that it would extinguish pension plans for new hires and would besides increase health care costs for all the workers at the corporation’s Fort Worth works. The IAM Negotiating Committee promised that it would efficaciously turn to the issue with the parties and warned Lockheed against its incorrect moves. There were besides allegations that the company was be aftering to present really expensive health care programs if the workers rejected the thought of riddance of the so present health care program ( Sears. 2006 ) . In the class of the dialogue. the brotherhood thwarted the attempts by the company to maintain the proceedings off from the workers. They sporadically informed the workers on whatever was transpirating between them and the direction. Much of this attempt was complemented when the brotherhood created a web site from where information associating to the predating negotiations was posted and the workers could easy follow. The brotherhood organized a series of commissions to manage the assorted logistics of the work stoppage and to maintain the employees every bit good as the populace good informed of the proceedings. Several commissions came into formation. including the work stoppage commission. communicating. community service. movie crew and kitchen ( 2010 ) . These commissions were fundamentally helping the brotherhood functionaries in turn toing the challenge of the negotiations given that the populace and the authorities had really particular involvement in the whole state of affairs. In the class of the dialogues. the brotherhood functionaries presented the direction of the corporation with an economic counter proposal. The direction was supposed to travel over the proposal and respond to the assorted inquiries that were thereby addressed. After traveling through the contents of the proposal. the functionaries of the organisation invited the brotherhood functionaries to the bargaining tabular array. In their statements. the direction enunciated that their program to cut off the pension for the new hires was merely appropriate and was fundamentally a procedure of turn toing the challenges the organisation was confronting at that clip. In the procedure. it appeared that the direction of the corporation was really inexorable and did non desire to yield land on the bargaining tabular array. While the direction claimed that they really paid their workers good and they could therefore afford the new proposal it was seting frontward. the brotherhood members wholly rejected the impression as giving through one manus and pickings by the other which was fundamentally unethical in concern pattern. As portion of the initial dialogues. the direction of Lockheed confirmed that it had given the brotherhood the option of accepting a 3 per centum pay rise addition for the contract workers who were confronting the challenge of the health care program ( Boyne. 2010 ) . Furthermore. extra subscribing fillip of $ 3. 000 was besides offered per worker as portion of the trade. This was to be supplemented by $ 800 to cover the one-year addition in the cost of life in the United States. Harmonizing to the direction. this was fundamentally to be a eventuality program in order to turn to the cardinal issue at manus and enable the workers to return to their work. In the same procedure. Lockheed was confronting similar force per unit area from Pentagon and was earnestly in a hole to accept the proposals of the brotherhood. It was. nevertheless. a blow for the company when the brotherhood functionaries wholly rejected the eventuality programs on the history that they had neer been successful in the yesteryear and that the company had ever non honored such duties ( Anderson. 2009 ) . In revenge. Lockheed created the position that it could efficaciously go on its operations without much respect to the nonionized workers who were seeking a alteration of the health care programs. The corporation announced that the mployed workers would efficaciously replace the nonionized workers in the class of the operations ( ( IAMAW. 2012 ) . For a piece. amid the dialogue negotiations. it appeared that the work stoppage was really an ageless matter given that most operations in the corporation had began restarting despite the dramatic nonionized members. It was surely a blow and a great challenge to the dialogue procedure and it created the demand for farther negotiations and steps to turn to the state of affairs. The emerging state of affairs presented the brotherhood functionaries with a batch of challenges and they opted to seek for alternate steps of operations while go oning with the dialogue procedure. Corporate bargaining was efficaciously used in the dialogue between the brotherhood functionaries and the direction of the corporation. For a piece. it appeared that much of the attempts of the brotherhood and the workers would non tire any fruit given the adamance of the direction in seeking to revoke the initial programs. However. visible radiation was seen at the terminal of the tunnel when eventually the direction of Lockheed agreed to give their presentation sing a new pension program that they had opted to follow alternatively of their earlier proposal. However. the brotherhood was really acute on accepting the proposal and several more dialogues were farther made before an amicable solution was reached. In any instance. corporate bargaining had been the most applicable scheme in the dialogue procedure and it surely appeared that most of the challenges of the workers at that clip had been resolved at least for a piece. The unit that was involved in the corporate bargaining procedure was drawn from the members of the brotherhood and besides had representation from the nonionized members. The commissions that were established had really been drawn from the corporation’s workers. The dialogue procedure fundamentally consisted of the brotherhood functionaries and the direction of Lockheed who were largely represented by the top functionaries at the corporation. The corporation being the largest defence contractor in the United States and beyond meant that the authorities has a batch of involvement in its operations. Pentagon. therefore. played a great function in the dialogue procedure by its advice on the direction to earnestly see the specific facets that were under consideration in order to avoid any break of the production procedure. At the terminal. it was realized that the basic issues of wellness attention and pension programs that had really affected the workers were resolved rather amicably and the whole episode ended efficaciously. The direction of Lockheed is surely faced with a myriad of challenges. which usually affect the operational procedure. In any instance. the corporation has ever continued to turn to the issues impacting the employees in the most effectual mode that reciprocally benefits all the parties in the negotiating tabular array. ( Rubenstein. 2007 ) In decision. it has to be stressed that the facets of employee dealingss is a cardinal issue that affect big and little corporations likewise. The most of import concern is. nevertheless. the demand to supply effectual working environment and turn to the challenges confronting the employees in the most effectual manner possible. The function of the labour brotherhoods in this respect can non be overemphasized given their imperative function in stand foring the demands of the workers. In the corporate bargaining procedure as a manner of seeking to get at amicable solution with respect to the issues impacting the organisation. it is realized that common apprehension on each portion of the deal squad is surely an of import consideration in the procedure. Whichever the instance. dialogues can ever assist turn to the issues so long as the parties approach such dialogues with the earnestness they surely deserve.
Friday, November 22, 2019
African-American Vernacular English (AAVE)
African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a variety of American English spoken by many African Americans. It has been called by many other names that are sometimes offensive, including African American English, black English, black English vernacular, ebonics, negro dialect, nonstandard negro English, black talk, blaccent, or blackcent. AAVE originated in the slave plantations of the American South, and it shares a number of phonological and grammatical features with Southern dialects of American English. Many African Americans are bi-dialectal in AAVE and Standard American English. Several concepts are related to this complex topic, including: African-American RhetoricBe DeletionCode SwitchingDialect PrejudiceDiglossiaDouble CopulaDozensDummy ItEthnic DialectInvariant BeMetathesisNegative ConcordSerial VerbsSignifyingSubject-Auxiliary Inversion (SAI)West African Pidgin EnglishZero Copula and Zero Possessive Examples and Observations In line with evolving trends within the larger community, linguists use African American English instead of Black English (or even older terms like Non-Standard Negro English) for the English of African Americans, a continuum of varieties ranging from the most mainstream or standard speech (like Bryant Gumbels, virtually indistinguishable from the formal speech of white and other Americans), to the most vernacular or non-mainstream variety. It was to focus on this latter variety that Labov (1972) first started referring to it as Black English vernacular. African American Vernacular English is simply the most recent variety of that term, the one most widely used among linguists...The term Ebonics, which was first coined in 1973 by a group of Black scholars...from ebony (black) and phonics (sound, the study of sound) (R. Williams, 1975)...is regarded by many if not most linguists as very similar if not identical to AAVE in terms of the features and varieties it designates. (Rickford, African American Vernacular English) [C]ontributing to the evolution of American English was the migration of blacks from the South after the Civil War to urban areas of the north. They took their Southern speech patterns with them, including all of the linguistic forms that had been incorporated into the grammatical structure of speech among slaves. Unlike most white immigrants to urban centers, who eventually adopted local dialects, blacks generally remained isolated in impoverished ghettos and as a result, retained their dialect. This physical isolation contributed to linguistic isolation and the maintenance of African American vernacular English (AAVE). The retention of unique linguistic forms, racism, and educational apartheid have since led to numerous misconceptions of this dialect. (Baugh, Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice) The Two Components of AAVE It is proposed that AAVE consists of two distinct components: the General English [GE] component, which is similar to the grammar of OAD [Other American Dialects], and the African-American [AA] component. These two components are not tightly integrated with each other, but follow internal patterns of strict co-occurrence...The AA component is not a complete grammar, but a subset of grammatical and lexical forms that are used in combination with much but not all of the grammatical inventory of GE. (Labov, Coexistent Systems in African-American English) Origin of AAVE On one level, the origin of African American English in the USA will always be a matter of speculation. Written records are sporadic and incomplete, and open to interpretation; demographic information about language use is also selective and largely anecdotal. Furthermore, great variation was exhibited in the speech of Africans when they were first brought to the New World and to colonial America, as indicated in references to black speech in slave advertisements and court records (Brasch, 1981). It is also indisputable that English-lexifier Creole languages developed and continue to flourish in the African diaspora - from coastal West Africa to coastal North America - and that the middle passage for some Africans brought to colonial America included exposure to these creoles (Kay and Cary, 1995; Rickford, 1997, 1999; Winford, 1997). Beyond these acknowledgments, however, the origin and status of early African American speech has been and continues to be vigorously disputed. (Wolfram, The Development of African American English) Sources Baugh, John. Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice. University of Texas, 1999.Labov, William. â€Å"Coexistent Systems in African-American English.† The Structure of African-American English, edited by Salikoko S. Mufwene, et al., Routledge, 1998, pp. 110–153.Rickford, John Russell. African American Vernacular English: Features, Evolution, Educational Implications. Blackwell, 2011.Wolfram, Walt, and Erik R. Thomas. The Development of African American English. 1st ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case Company Report-Sony Inc Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Company Report-Sony Inc - Case Study Example Sony, a Japanese multinational conglomerate, was invented in the year 1946. It was formed by Masaru Ibuka who had a radio repair shop in Tokyo and his colleague Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. In 1955 they produced the first commercial transistor in Japan known as Sony MK-55. Sony was not the first but its transistor was most the most successful in that decade. Sony had the most vital contribution towards making Japan the most powerful exporter in 1960s- 1980s. The company expanded into various areas such as games (Sony computer entertainment), motion pictures (Sony pictures entertainment), holdings and electronics (Sony Corporation), financial services (Sony Financial Holdings), music (Sony music entertainment). The co-founder of Sony was Akio Morita founded in 1960 Sony Corporation in America. Its major part of expansion was convergence that is linking of music, film, and digital electronics via Internet. The Sony Corporation has been accelerating initiatives in the electronic business which generates stable profits for the entire Sony group. The company aims at updating strategies in three core businesses such as games, mobiles and imaging. It has the business strategy of executing growth strategies in the emerging markets. The company engages into aggressive capital investment, explores new technology, and creates value added products (Gershon, 2000). The business model can be further more specifically divided into various parts as state in the diagram below- The company focuses on delivering high quality products to its customers. They continuously measure their performance in forms of different quality standards, review, and even focusing on customer feedback. They have specific quality management organizations in each of its SBUs. It has got service reviews, design reviews, verification system reviews to constantly measure their performance and focus on further improvement. It has even
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How do unemployment, under-employment and discouraged workers affect Research Paper
How do unemployment, under-employment and discouraged workers affect GDP in an economy - Research Paper Example The second one that is known as underemployment occurs when workers underutilize their skills in their current employment, and the last one takes place when individuals stop finding jobs because they are discouraged with their fruitless effort of finding one (Thompson 78). All these forms of unemployment lower the Gross Domestic of a country. This paper will analyze how unemployment, discouragement, and underemployment lower GDP. First of all, when individuals finish school, they start seeking employment in the labor market. Some become lucky and get jobs while others remain on the search. The state refers to those who fail to get employed at the existing wage rates as the unemployed. These individuals continue depending on their parents for funds that help them to survive and continue with the job search. The unemployed may also depend on their friends who were lucky to get jobs after school. This further increases the dependency ratio in the economy. This means that the individuals, who support the unemployed by giving them funds, reduce the amount of income that they save and invest (Thompson 81). They instead increase the amount of money that they set apart for consumption. The reduction in savings means that these individuals earn less interest than they used to earn before. The reduction in interest rate then means that they earn less income from investment activities and this reduces the overall incom e of a country. The effect of this unemployment is based on Okun’s law that states that a 1% increase in the rate of unemployment leads to a 2% decrease in the GDP (Boyes and Michael 226). The other form of unemployment takes place when workers discontinue their job search because of hopelessness. These individuals lose hope based on the belief that they will never secure a job in the labor market at the existing wage rates. The loss of hope makes these individuals to either continue depending on their relatives and friends or engage in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Price Elasticity to Identify a Brands Competitors Essay Example for Free
Price Elasticity to Identify a Brands Competitors Essay Firms today are in their perspective industries to maximize consumer satisfaction, increase revenue, and shareholders profits. These tasks require attention to detail when pricing their products. There are always competitors lurking and waiting by the wayside to gain market share and a competitive advantage. When identifying brands competitors, price elasticity is a major determinant. Demand for a product or service constitutes what the company’s price will be and whether the price will be higher or lower than the competitor’s price. In terms of the elasticity, price increases may decrease demand and price decreases may increase demand. However, according to Kotler, The introduction or change of any price may initiate a response (favorable or unfavorable) from customers and competitors†(Kotler, P. and Keller, K., 2012) Ultimately, the concept of price elasticity can identify a brand’s competitors along with marketing research to identify consumer needs, wants, and desires, as well as current industry and competitor’s going- rate pricing. Reference Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012). Marketing Management 14E. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. How might marketers use conjoint analysis to improve pricing strategies? When determining pricing strategies marketers must perform research that allows the consumer to voice their opinions in reference to what they need and how important the product or service is to their well-being. One method of doing so is through conjoint analysis. â€Å"Kotler defines this method as a means to ask customers to rank their preferences for alternative market offerings or concepts, then they use statistic analysis to estimate the implicit value placed on each attribute†(Kotler, P. and Keller, K., 2012). Marketers have their work cut out for them when a firm or pricing department requests their assistance to establish a competitive advantage for their product or service. In order for a firm to know and understand what value or benefits the customer expects when utilizing their products and services the use value propositions is of the essence. According to the strategy and performance coaching company Edborrows,†items that firms need to consider when applying customer value propositions are as follows: †¢ All Benefits †¢ Favorable Points of Differentiation †¢ Resonating Focus †¢ Resonating focus highlights one or two critical differences between the firm’s offerings †¢ Generic Value Propositions †¢ Operational Excellence †¢ Customer Intimacy †¢ Product/Service Innovation (Barrows, 2010) Price elasticity of demand is a way to determine marginal revenue. Optimal revenue and, more importantly, optimal profit will occur to the point when marginal revenue = marginal cost, or the price elasticity of demand The proportion of the total sales of a product secured by one particular company or brand
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Life of William Shakespeare :: essays research papers
     The Life of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare's father, John Shakespeare, moved to the idyllic town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the mid-sixteenth century, where he became a successful landowner, moneylender, wool and agricultural goods dealer, and glover. In 1557 he married Mary Arden . John Shakespeare lived during a time when the middle class grew and became wealthier and wealthier, thus allowing its members increasing freedoms, luxuries, and voice in the local government. He took advantage of the opportunities afforded him through this social growth and in 1557 became a member of the Stratford Council, an event which marked the beginning of an illustrious political career. By 1561 he was elected one of the town's fourteen burgesses, where he served as constable, one of two chamberlains, and alderman successively. In these positions he administered borough property and revenues. In 1567 he was made bailiff, the highest elected office in Stratford, and the equivalent of a modern day mayor. The town records indicate that William Shakespeare was John and Mary's third child. His birth is unregistered, but legend places it on April 23, 1564, partially because April 23 is the day on which he died 52 years later. In any event, his baptism was registered with the town on April 26, 1564. Not much is known about William's childhood, although it is safe to assume that he attended the local grammar school, the King's New School, which was staffed with a faculty who held Oxford degrees, and whose curriculum included mathematics, natural sciences, Latin language and rhetoric, logic, Christian ethics, and classical literature. He did not attend the university, which was not unusual at this time, since university education was reserved for prospective clergymen and was not a particularly mind-opening experience. However, the education he received at grammar school was excellent, as evidenced by the numerous classical and literary references in his plays. His early works especially dr ew on such Greek and Roman greats as Seneca and Plautus. What is more impressive than his formal education, however, is the wealth of general knowledge exhibited in his works, from a working knowledge of many professions to a vocabulary that is far greater than any other English writer. In 1582, at the age of eighteen, William Shakespeare married the twenty-six year old Anne Hathaway. Their first daughter, Susanna, was baptized only six months later, which has given rise to much speculation concerning the circumstances surrounding the marriage.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Systems Model; Critique
Critique the relevance of the systems model to the study of politics Models, theories and concepts as approaches for analysing policy and decision making have been developed by political and social scientists to guide the study of public policy, to facilitate communication and to suggest possible explanations for policy actions. This essay is a critique of the relevance of the systems model to the study of politics. A model is conceptually defined as a theoretical representation of empirical data that aims to advance understanding through highlighting of significant relationships and interactions. According to Heywood (2007) one of the most influential models in political analysis is the Political system model developed by David Easton (1979, 1981) which aims to explain the entire political process including the functions of the major political actors through what is called systems analysis. A system is an organised and complex whole, a set of interrelated and interdependent parts that form a collective entity. Roskin, Cord, Medeiros & Jones (1997) concur that in the political systems model the politics of a given country worked the same way as a biological system. Here they were trying to emphasise the interrelationships and inter dependence likening it to the biological human body; how the various organs needed or related to each other and likening this to the political system. Systems theory is therefore the theory that treats the political system as a self regulating mechanism responding to inputs (demands and supports) by issuing authoritative decisions or outputs (policies). David Easton’s model illustrated the existence of a linkage between inputs and outputs in a political system(Heywood, 2007). Inputs consist of demands and support from the general public and demands in a political system range from pressure for the need of a higher standard of living, improved employment opportunities, greater protection to minorities, improved social benefits among many. Support on the other hand includes ways in which the public responds to the political system that is by paying taxes, offering compliance to the state through participation in public life and other societal issues. Heywood (ibid) further asserts that outputs on the other and are in the form of laws promulgated by government, consisting of decisions and actions of government that is the passing of laws, the imposition of taxes and most importantly allocation of public funds. The outputs generate feedback which consist of further demands and support from the general public. Further Easton referred to what he called gatekeepers being political parties, church organisations, pressure groups which gatekeepers manage the percep tion of the people and convey their inputs in the form of demands and supports. Outputs from government go back to the people and the cycle goes on and on. He projected that a political system tends to operate at equilibrium as its survival depends on outputs being brought into line with inputs. However, according to Anderson (1997) the usefulness of the systems theory in studying public policy is limited by its highly general and abstract nature. Older studies have devoted little attention to the nature and definition of public problems. It is now conventional wisdom that policy study that does not consider the characteristics and dimensions of the problems that stimulate government action is less than complete. In Easton’s model there is no clarity on the inputs which are the problems of the public. It gives a general picture of society. The importance lies in knowing both why some problems are acted on and others are neglected and why a problem is defined in one way rather than another. It is also important to know the nature of the problem whether it is foreign or domestic, a new item or an outgrowth of an existing policy to determine the ensuing policy making process, issues that the systems model is silent on. According to Jackson & Jackson (2003) the basic argument of systems analysis is that governments are the centre of political systems which involves three stages mainly the effects of the environment on a political system by making multiple demands, as well as providing fundamental support. A demand can be defined as a condition or situation that produces needs or dissatisfaction among people for which relief or redress is sought. For example problems such as air pollution, unwholesome food, abortion, urban congestion, crowded prisons and global warming are conditions that may become problems if they produce sufficient anxiety or dissatisfaction to cause people to seek a remedy. For this to happen people must have some criterion or standard by which the troubling condition is judged to be both unreasonable or unacceptable and appropriate for government to handle Anderson (1997). Conditions do not become public problems unless they are defined as such, articulated by someone or defined as such. The systems model therefore does not explore these highlighted problems. According to Jackson & Jackson (ibid) the systems analysis is criticised often arguing that the model on which it is based does not help discern which part of a political system are essential or influential. It is further argued that it is impossible to predict how or even whether a change in one part of the system will affect another part. Furthermore political systems are not as closely related as the model implies. Political systems are not as static as the model implies Another criticism of the systems theory is that it does not acknowledge the changes that occur with time. According to Roskin (et al) systems change over time with the rise of new powers, new technologies and new alliances. It does not even recognise the existence of bigger entities with many components for example countries or groups of countries that interact with each other forming international systems. To some the fall of the Soviet empire in the 1990’s marked the end of the cold war and the bipolar system. But some argue that the bipolar system did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but rather a multi polar economics race emerged. As Moscow gave up the East European nations and no longer posed any invasion threat to Western Europe which moved closer to unity in the European Union (EU). All barriers among the fifteen members disappeared, producing a single economy if not a single political entity. The United States on the other hand had some economic problems, massive trade deficits following massive budget deficits making it the biggest debtor. It could no longer call the tune and get alliance from allies in Europe and Asia. Countries of the Eastern bloc consolidated their political system significantly. The systems model is limited in this sense in that its diagrammatic representation is only limited to small entities. According to Anderson (ibid) a condition to be turned into a problem, must be seen as an appropriate topic for governmental action and further, as something for which there is a possible governmental remedy or solution. The systems model does not articulate the inputs fed into gate keepers, neither does it clarify the difference between conditions and problems. Those who oppose government action to ban smoking in public places may argue that tobacco smoke is not harmful, or that smoke is a matter of individual choice and should not be regulated. Professor Wildavsky contends that officials are unlikely to deal with a problem unless it is coupled with a solution. He thus, states that ‘a problem is a problem only if something can be done about it’,(Anderson, ibid). Thus in Easton’s model there is no emphasis on the nature of the inputs. Power distribution in the systems model is not adequately explored in the graphical representation. In today’s world for example the American system, political power is fragmented and dispersed by constitutional prescription and political practice. Many points of official decision making exist and a multitude of officials share in the exercise of political power and the formulation of public policy. Structural functionalism focuses on the different levels of a system and their reciprocal influences and also the possibility of making generalisations about them. It is premised on what structures perform what functions in any given system and under what conditions. Key proponent Almond (1960) critically examined Easton’s model and proceeded to look for the functions that could be included among the inputs and outputs of a political system and identified six functions. Chief among these functions is interest articulation, interest aggregation, rule application and adjudication and communication. Political systems consist of units or structures that perform certain or particular functions. The detailed variables with which the model is concerned are structural that is pressure groups, political parties, the legislature among many. Political systems are compared on the basis of the functions that are performed by their units. However, according to Jackson &Jackson (ibid), the structural functional approach does not accommodate itself well to the state as a dynamic entity. The mechanical role of performing functions is assigned to the state. It ignores the human element that those who perform functions of the state may have their own interests. Some critics even argue that structural functional approach places too much emphasis on technology and rational procedures and obscures the relationship between structures and functions. Almond seems to contend that all systems must evolve in the same manner and direction as did the Anglo American Democracies if they wish to develop to higher political stages. David Easton’s model of a political system is the basis of most contemporary political systems. But however, it is only ideal as there are constant changes that occur in the society we live in, therefore an equilibrium can never be achieved. It forms a basis of analysis upon which scientific generalisations can be made. REFERENCE Anderson, J. E. Public policy making; An introduction (3rd edition). Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston Heywood, A. (2007). Politics (3rd edition). Palgrave Macmillan: New York Jackson, R. J. & Jackson, D. (2003). An introduction to political science. Prentice Hall: Toronto Roskin, M, Cord, R. L, Medeiros, J. A, & Jones, W. S. (1997). Political science; an introduction (6th edition). Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited: London
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cellphones Should Not Be Allowed in School Essay
Although may not everybody would agree I believe cellphones should not be allowed in schools. First of all, cellphones can be a distraction to students. Secondly, students can use the cellphones to cheat on a test, quiz, or classwork. Lastly, it can be stolen. To start off, cellphones should not be allowed in school because they can interrupt the class and teacher. For example, if a professor is teaching a class a new lesson and suddenly a cellphones starts to ring, the teacher will have to stop the class and talk to the pupil. After that, they would have to remember their â€Å"train of thought†. Additionally, cellphones can interrupt the class when an exam or quiz is in session. In a recent article done by the New York Times, it was stated that 75% of an eighth grade class failed their state exam because of a cellphone interruption. In other words, the cellphone was â€Å"yelling†really loud, the students were not concentrating and it was difficult to turn off. Furthermore, cellular phones should be allowed in school because it can be a cheating tool. For instance, if a scholar took an exam before their friend and their buddy did not study, that person taking the test can take a picture of the questions to show to their companion. Usually, the student(s) are not caught but when they get caught the superintendent, who runs all the public, charter, private or boarding schools in a city, hears about it and the school can have a terrible reputation. Also, when a minor cheats on a huge test (state test, mid-terms, final-terms, etc.) they can especially get in trouble. Equally important, cellphones should not be allowed in schools because it can be stolen. Read more: Should Cellphones Be Banned in Schools Essay Many youngsters bring their high-tech cellphones to school, to show it off. However, when their cellphone gets stolen, the child and their parents are furious and that means money coming out of pockets to buy a new phone. Statistics have shown that 80% of the time, the lost or stolen cellphone is not found. Therefore, I consider parents keep their children’s cellphone at home and cellphones should not be allowed in schools. My opponents may say that, cellphones can be used for emergencies. I disagree! During emergencies, the school have telephones available for staff and students and if the minor can’t use the telephones they can ask an adult to call for them. Moreover, my adversaries might say that cellphones can be used as tools when needed. In my opinion, this statement is wrong because school is a place of learning. As a result, it has all the materials youngsters need to learn like, calculators, notepads, and maps, so that scholars can use the resources they have at school and not from the piece of technology in their pocket. In summation, cellular phones should not be allowed in school because it can be a distraction, a cheating resource and it can be stolen or lost. When in school, children should pay attention to their education than the daily gossip spread on the internet.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Analysis
â€Å"After High School†by Jake Smith is a referential text that explains the different options you have after high school graduation. The author uses classification to separates the choices you have and the step to reaching your goals. Smith gives different insights on how the schools and educational plans work. His referential purpose shown through the way he explains the different circumstances they will encounter once they’ve made an educational plan. Smith uses an outline of how the school system and classes entwine with each other. The author explains in details and factors to consider as well as the types of studies that best suit them. He also describes the courses and the fields of studies to accomplish his referential purpose. Each educational option is shown by the different ways to achieve that particular goal. Smith makes the reader understand the process that they’ll be getting into once they’ve made their decision about their educational plans. Smith shows the procedures and the courses a student have to take in order to go through help them achieve their educational goals. Through the text, Smith organizes his informative options by using classification. The educational plans, fields of studies, and types of colleges are outline consecutively in this text. Each step is organizes by the option that the student chooses. The option that a student chooses will lead them to an education plan that will help them through the process. Smith wrote â€Å"consider a number of different factors†then he goes on to explain those factors and what might be the best decision for them. He classifies the type of schools and training a student might encounter. Smith outlines the text into four year schools, technical school, and two year colleges. The he goes on to describe the types of studies, such as liberal arts, pre-professional, professional, and technical. This referential classification is useful to a high school se... Free Essays on Analysis Free Essays on Analysis â€Å"After High School†by Jake Smith is a referential text that explains the different options you have after high school graduation. The author uses classification to separates the choices you have and the step to reaching your goals. Smith gives different insights on how the schools and educational plans work. His referential purpose shown through the way he explains the different circumstances they will encounter once they’ve made an educational plan. Smith uses an outline of how the school system and classes entwine with each other. The author explains in details and factors to consider as well as the types of studies that best suit them. He also describes the courses and the fields of studies to accomplish his referential purpose. Each educational option is shown by the different ways to achieve that particular goal. Smith makes the reader understand the process that they’ll be getting into once they’ve made their decision about their educational plans. Smith shows the procedures and the courses a student have to take in order to go through help them achieve their educational goals. Through the text, Smith organizes his informative options by using classification. The educational plans, fields of studies, and types of colleges are outline consecutively in this text. Each step is organizes by the option that the student chooses. The option that a student chooses will lead them to an education plan that will help them through the process. Smith wrote â€Å"consider a number of different factors†then he goes on to explain those factors and what might be the best decision for them. He classifies the type of schools and training a student might encounter. Smith outlines the text into four year schools, technical school, and two year colleges. The he goes on to describe the types of studies, such as liberal arts, pre-professional, professional, and technical. This referential classification is useful to a high school se...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
La Isabela, Columbuss First Colony in the Americas
La Isabela, Columbuss First Colony in the Americas La Isabela is the name of the first European town established in the Americas. La Isabela was settled by Christopher Columbus and 1,500 others in 1494 AD, on the northern coast of the island of Hispaniola, in what is now the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea. La Isabela was the first European town, but it was not the first colony in the New Worldthat was LAnse aux Meadows, established by Norse colonists in Canada nearly 500 years earlier: both of these early colonies were abject failures. History of La Isabela In 1494, the Italian-born, Spanish-financed explorer Christopher Columbus was on his second voyage to the American continents, landing in Hispaniola with a group of 1,500 settlers. The primary purpose of the expedition was to establish a colony, a foothold in the Americas for Spain to begin its conquest. But Columbus was also there to discover sources of precious metals. There on the north shore of Hispaniola, they established the first European town in the New World, called La Isabela after Queen Isabella of Spain, who supported his voyage financially and politically. For an early colony, La Isabela was a fairly substantial settlement. The settlers quickly built several buildings, including a palace/citadel for Columbus to live in; a fortified storehouse (alhondiga) to store their material goods; several stone buildings for various purposes; and a European-style plaza. There is also evidence for several locations associated with silver and iron ore processing. Silver Ore Processing The silver processing operations at La Isabela involved the use of European galena, an ore of lead probably imported from ore fields in the Los Pedroches-Alcudia or Linares-La Carolina valleys of Spain. The purpose of the exportation of lead galena from Spain to the new colony is believed to have been to assay the percentage of gold and silver ore in artifacts stolen from the indigenous people of the New World. Later, it was used in a failed attempt to smelt iron ore. Artifacts associated with ore assay discovered at the site included 58 triangular graphite-tempered assaying crucibles, a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of liquid mercury, a concentration of about 90 kg (200 lbs) of galena, and several deposits of metallurgical slag, mostly concentrated near or within the fortified storehouse. Adjacent to the slag concentration was a small fire pit, believed to represent a furnace used to process the metal. Evidence for Scurvy Because historical records indicate that the colony was a failure, Tiesler and colleagues investigated the physical evidence of the conditions of the colonists, using macroscopic and histological (blood) evidence on the skeletons excavated from a contact-era cemetery. A total of 48 individuals were buried in La Isabelas church cemetery. Skeletal preservation was variable, and the researchers could only determine that at least 33 of the 48 were men and three were women. Children and adolescents were among the individuals, but there was no one older than 50 at the time of death. Among the 27 skeletons with adequate preservation, 20 exhibited lesions likely to have been caused by severe adult scurvy, a disease caused by a sustained lack of vitamin C and common to seafarers before the 18th century. Scurvy is reported to have caused 80% of all deaths during long sea voyages in the 16th and 17th centuries. Surviving reports of the colonists intense fatigue and physical exhaustion on and after arrival are clinical manifestations of scurvy. There were sources of vitamin C on Hispaniola, but the men were not familiar enough with the local environment to pursue them, and instead relied on infrequent shipments from Spain to meet their dietary demands, shipments that did not include fruit. The Indigenous People At least two indigenous communities were located in the northwestern Dominican Republic where Columbus and his crew established La Isabela, known as the La Luperona and El Flaco archaeological sites. Both of these sites were occupied between the 3rd and 15th centuries, and have been the focus of archaeological investigations since 2013. The prehispanic people in the Caribbean region at the time of Columbuss landing were horticulturalists, who combined slash and burn land clearance and house gardens holding domesticated and managed plants with substantive hunting, fishing, and gathering. According to historic documents, the relationship was not a good one. Based on all the evidence, historical and archaeological, the La Isabela colony was a flat-out disaster: the colonists did not find any extensive quantities of ores, and hurricanes, crop failures, disease, mutinies, and conflicts with the resident Taà no made life unbearable. Columbus himself was recalled to Spain in 1496, to account for the financial disasters of the expedition, and the town was abandoned in 1498. Archaeology of La Isabela Archaeological investigations at La Isabela have been conducted since the late 1980s by a team led by Kathleen Deagan and Josà © M. Cruxent of the Florida Museum of Natural History, at which web site much more detail is available. Interestingly, like at the earlier Viking settlement of Lanse aux Meadows, evidence at La Isabela suggests that the European residents may have failed in part because they were unwilling to fully adapt to local living conditions. Sources Deagan K. 1996. Colonial transformation: Euro-American cultural genesis in the early Spanish-American colonies. Journal of Anthropological Research 52(2):135-160.Deagan K, and Cruxent JM. 2002. Columbuss Outpost Among the Tainos: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498. New Haven: Yale University Press.Deagan K, and Cruxent JM. 2002. Archaeology at La Isabela, America’s First European Town. New Haven: Yale University Press.Laffoon JE, Hoogland MLP, Davies GR, and Hofman CL. 2016. Human dietary assessment in the Pre-colonial Lesser Antilles: New stable isotope evidence from Lavoutte, Saint Lucia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5:168-180.Thibodeau AM, Killick DJ, Ruiz J, Chesley JT, Deagan K, Cruxent JM, and Lyman W. 2007. The strange case of the earliest silver extraction by European colonists in the New World. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(9):3663-3666.Tiesler V, Coppa A, Zabala P, and Cucina A. 2016. Scurvy-related Morbidity and Death amon g Christopher Columbus Crew at La Isabela, the First European Town in the New World (1494–1498): An Assessment of the Skeletal and Historical Information. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26(2):191-202. Ting C, Neyt B, Ulloa Hung J, Hofman C, and Degryse P. 2016. The production of pre-Colonial ceramics in northwestern Hispaniola: A technological study of Meillacoid and Chicoid ceramics from La Luperona and El Flaco, Dominican Republic. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6:376-385.VanderVeen JM. 2003. Review of Archaeology at La Isabela: Americas First European Town, and Columbuss Outpost among the Taino: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1494-1498. Latin American Antiquity 14(4):504-506.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human nature and war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human nature and war - Essay Example Apart from Mozart and Purcell, I had to choose Beethoven to compose the birthday song since he has breathtaking compositions like Fur Elise. Fur Elise is undoubtedly interesting. Most people much loved classical piece by Beethoven. The other two composers Mozart and Purcell did not make it into my list to compose a birthday song, because they were not creative like Ludwig for the job. Unlike Ludwig, Mozart in most of his compositions uses minor keys, thus from my own opinion his composition will not suit the mood of the occasion. Also in most of his work, Mozart employs complex instrumentation, which will not make the arrangement intriguing to listen to considering it is a birthday party. Purcell is not a suitable alternative to compose the birthday song because he worked as organist at the Westminster Abbey; thus, his compositions mostly rely on the keyboard instrument. Purcell composes long anthems, which makes me not to appoint him as my main composer because he might compose an u nusually long and repetitive birthday song. Since he mostly wrote operas, odes and accompanied stage music, makes him not an appropriate composer of my uncle’s birthday song. ... Since he developed an individualistic style from the high classical style, he should make the birthday composition more appealing to the ear. This ambitious and virtuosic style will make the audience at the evening party more calm and the birthday my uncle happy. Beethoven (also known as the father of modulation) in the composition should not remain in the same key therefore should modulate to different keys. In some of his symphonies, Beethoven includes chorus and solo voices; also in the birthday piece, he should include them to add beauty and prove his creative personality. In the composed solo section, the libretto must be catching since I want them to bring teary emotion to my beloved uncle. I genuinely want my uncle to be happy since when listening to Fur Elise and the fifth symphony by Beethoven the introduction generates a striking motif. I want my uncle to feel loved and cared for when listening to the composed song since most of the arranged compositions by Beethoven employ a distinct and individualized style. As he will be listening to the music, I want him to get both baroque and classical era music touch since Beethoven lived between those two periods. When listening to the compositions of Beethoven feels a development of works from Haydn and Mozart. Since my uncle has listened to works of both Haydn and Mozart, he will be to listen to a composition expanded on both of them. Beethoven is the perfect person to take the composition job. In most of his work like the opera Fidelio, he brings out the emotion perfectly. Since Beethoven is a transition composer between classical and the romantic era, am sure my uncle will enjoy the composition. The individualistic and creative
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