Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Company Report-Sony Inc Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Company Report-Sony Inc - Case Study Example Sony, a Japanese multinational conglomerate, was invented in the year 1946. It was formed by Masaru Ibuka who had a radio repair shop in Tokyo and his colleague Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. In 1955 they produced the first commercial transistor in Japan known as Sony MK-55. Sony was not the first but its transistor was most the most successful in that decade. Sony had the most vital contribution towards making Japan the most powerful exporter in 1960s- 1980s. The company expanded into various areas such as games (Sony computer entertainment), motion pictures (Sony pictures entertainment), holdings and electronics (Sony Corporation), financial services (Sony Financial Holdings), music (Sony music entertainment). The co-founder of Sony was Akio Morita founded in 1960 Sony Corporation in America. Its major part of expansion was convergence that is linking of music, film, and digital electronics via Internet. The Sony Corporation has been accelerating initiatives in the electronic business which generates stable profits for the entire Sony group. The company aims at updating strategies in three core businesses such as games, mobiles and imaging. It has the business strategy of executing growth strategies in the emerging markets. The company engages into aggressive capital investment, explores new technology, and creates value added products (Gershon, 2000). The business model can be further more specifically divided into various parts as state in the diagram below- The company focuses on delivering high quality products to its customers. They continuously measure their performance in forms of different quality standards, review, and even focusing on customer feedback. They have specific quality management organizations in each of its SBUs. It has got service reviews, design reviews, verification system reviews to constantly measure their performance and focus on further improvement. It has even

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